Saturday, 21 April 2018

Creative cornetto

Creativity is art as well as, science. Universe legends, thought which are really, very much inspiring. Legends are like success salt, which make world beautiful, peaceful, innovative & wonderful.
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Friday, 20 April 2018


                       VARIABLE @

Variable-=> Variable is temporary allocation in the
  memory, which value may change during program execution. Variable comes from word ‘vary' which means change. For assigning any value to variable it must declared.

For Example: front room key in key clutter , ramu inside
crowd, raogulla in sweet etc. It can be declared by the use of data types. Also use in programming, according to need as---
int a;
float f;
char c;
String season; etc.
It may be assign value at the time of declaration like,
                         int a=10;
float f=25.98f;
char c=‘x';
String season=null;

Scope or Classification of Variable: Java variables
actually classified into 3 ways As-à
local variable: Variables declared and used inside
       methods are  called local variable.

2. global variable: This variable is global to entire class. It is
         also called class variable. Class variable must be declared with keyword ‘static'.

3. Instance variable: These variables are created when the
         objects are instantiated and therefore associated with the objects.

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(creations, operations & Collections  on education, save environment, motivations, technology, programming, economics,  IT, management,4D,  funny things, crazy things & pictures, universe study, corporeal world, subtle world, world leaders, Suggestions, Supreme world, research, solutions, innovations)